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Technology in sustainability

2 minute read

Reducing carbon emissions, in line with the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting average global temperature rise in this century to 1.5OC, has become an imperative for businesses that have committed to science-based net-zero targets. This can only be possible through developing and tracking greenhouse gas emissions inventories, and that in turn requires robust data collection and analysis. The use of technology is vital to ensuring efficient acquisition of accurate and reliable data so that timely business decisions can be made on the path to decarbonization. Various studies, including one conducted by World Economic Forum, showcase the power of leveraging digital solutions to accelerate net-zero trajectories especially in high emission industries. Moreover, transparency in data reporting is required for holding corporations responsible and accountable in terms of meeting ambitious sustainability targets and supporting their clients to do the same.

At adm Group, we are embracing the new era of digitalization to meet our emission reduction targets. In collaboration with our sustainability partner Anthesis Group, we have developed and deployed a bespoke digital solution called ‘Green Design Tool’. Purposed to impact decision-making both at the point of design and at the point of purchase, the tool can assess how sustainable a product is by factoring in information such as its raw materials, packaging, downstream logistics, recycled content, use, and end-of-life treatment.

Additionally, also in partnership with Anthesis, we are integrating a purpose-built sustainability software solution called RouteZero® to track and manage our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions inventories. This technology will enable our teams to collaborate and provide reliable data in a systematic manner. They will also get access to key analytics to track and report progress to our stakeholders on an ongoing basis. 

We are committed to leveraging technology, education and partnership with our stakeholders to accelerate our progress towards Net-Zero by 2050. 

By adm Group
